Healthy Food For All is a project of the Center for Transformative Action. Since 2006 we’ve been making fresh, quality produce accessible to low-income households through Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) shares and educational resources. Ending nutritional hunger for over 200 families every year, HFFA is recognized as one of our region’s leading community food security programs. Beyond meeting the immediate need of over 1,000 youth and adults struggling to access nutritious food, HFFA’s long-term value extends well beyond by investing in local organic agriculture, in-turn increasing our region’s capacity to grow healthy food sustainably for the whole community for generations.
Farmers initiated Healthy Food For All and continue to be the driving force behind our collective efforts to end hunger in our community. It makes sense that the people maintaining the health of our land and soil are the lifeblood to growing a healthy community. Together, we educate, fundraise, and engage people who otherwise might not benefit from the strong network of local farms in our beautiful landscape.
We believe that through cooperation, we are empowered as a community to build local food sovereignty where every member has reliable access to safe, nutritious, affordable and culturally appropriate food in sufficient quantity and quality to sustain a healthy life with human dignity.
2024 Participating Farms: Full Plate Farm Collective (Stick & Stone Farm, Remembrance Farm and the Youth Farm), Nook and Cranny Farm, Plowbreak Farm, Sweet Land Farm, and TC3 Farm.
Healthy Food For All is made possible by generous donations from individuals and businesses, and support from: United Way of Tompkins County, Community Foundation of Tompkins County, No Kid Hungry, Share Our Strength, City Federation of Women’s Organizations, New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, and Taste of the Finger Lakes